About me

Alexander Solaat Rødland

Being an IT-professional for more than 15 years with long experience of both ICT, organizational relations and journalism to mention. With education within electronics and several branches of the ICT industry, I embrace challenges outside the much-spoken-of “comfort zone” to gain new knowledge and skills.

Please reach out if you want to guest our podcast The Bluescreen Brothers, or you need a speaker at your event – either public or internal.

My Story

As of fall 2015 I completed a bachelor degree in information science (BASV-INFO) at the University of Bergen with focus on software development and motivational- and organization psychology. As of spring 2018, I completed bachelor in work- and organizational psychology (BAPS-AOP) at the same university.

I have been awarded with the MVP since 2014 and Windows Insider MVP since 2018. I have been a frequent speaker at various local seminars such as TechDays in Sweden. Nordic Infrastructure Conference (NIC) in Norway and globalt conferences like Microsoft Ignite.

Challenging the everlasting exponential curve of the technological development, I also lecture and perform key-note speeches at seminars and conferences.

Where I’ve Worked

2024 - Now
Modern Workplace Engineer
2022 - 2024
Principal Cloud Engineer
2020 - 2022
Chief Cloud Architect
2017 - 2020
Senior Consultant. Mobility and User Experience consultant
2009 - 2017
Askøy Municipality
Technology Advisor. Management, customer services, Active Directory services, touch- and portable devices management, key-note speaker
2004 - 2022
Technology Journalist and product manager. Research, interviewer, reviews, online publications
2005 - 2008
Institute of Marine Research
Engineer. Maintainance and service electronics for oceanographic research purpose.

At my work

Storebrand Group

Storebrand’s history dates back to 1767. Storebrand Asset Management is a leading asset manager in the Nordic region, providing cutting-edge sustainable investment solutions.

Hope to see you!

Reach out with any questions you have

I would be happy to talk to you if you need my assistance in your research. I gladly like to participate by speaking at events related to information technology or other conferences.

Call me directly

+47 95 84 22 64

Contact email


Hit me up on social media